Wattpad is the site where people publish their stories and read the stories. It can include general fiction, non-fiction, spiritual, fanfiction, teen fiction, historical fiction. There are more than 65 million users. They can interact with writer directly. If you want to interact and read the stories then you must have an wattpad account. If you have account but forgot the password then here are the steps for how to reset wattpad password, please follow all the steps given below.
Watch the video for further detailed explanation:
Also read: Reset Academic Dating Password
Following are the steps on how to reset wattpad password given below step by step given below:
- Go to the browser then type wattpad.com and enter the page.
- Wattpad page will appear. On the top of the page to the right side you will find log in box click on “Log in”.
- You can continue with facebook and google. To continue with Facebook click on facebook to continue with gooogle click on google.
- Enter your email or user name which is just below of the facebook and google box.
- Click on “Forgot password?” which is above of the “Log in” box.
- Enter your username or emai address.
- Click on “Send instruction” which is in orange color box.
- Wattpad will send you reset instruction on your mail. Check your mail.
- Open your mail box on new tab and open the mail that you received from wattpad.
- Click on “Reset My Password”.
- New page will appear in new tab of wattpad.
- Enter your new password and confirm password. Password must be storng and include special character.
- Click on reset password which is in orange color box.Your password will be successfully reset and you can use your wattpad account. Above were the steps on how to reset wattpad password which is easy to follow the steps. Thank you for reading our content. If you have any doubt, please leave us a comment below.