How to Reset DLink Router Password

How to Reset DLink Router Password

D-Link is the brand that that provides internet services related technical devices. D-Link is mostly produces the router that access you with the internet. In case, you forgot your password then you can Reset DLink Router password it as well.

To Reset DLink Router password then you can follow these steps:

Reset DLink Router Password

  1. First you need to open your browser in your device where the internet is connected through Wi-Fi or LAN. Then as you open the browser and type your router’s IP address i.e. into your Web browser’s URL.
  2. Then a page will open where you will be asked to login. At the login screen, select “Admin” from the drop down menu and enter your admin password in the given respective blank.
  3. After that you will access the Web configuration screen. From there, you need to click “Setup” in the top menu option. Then, select the “Wireless Settings” link on the left-hand side of your screen.
  4. From there you need to click on the “Manual Wireless Connection Setup” button and then you will need to scroll down to the field representing my “Pre-Shared Key”. If you don’t see it, select a security mode from the dropdown menu at the bottom of the screen first.
  5. Then you need to type in a new password in the appeared screen. I recommend to use a hybrid WPA/ WPA2 security mod for better results.

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